Your Bloods Eve

Author: ‬‏Linda Alesmail Jawish
ISBN: 978-1-64826-158-9

It is a story about two sisters: Hanna, Hilda. The events led them to enter a unique Palace. And there they would meet Katrina, a girl from the past, they would know Katrina’s love story with Kyle and how she’d become a prisoner in her basement and died thre. The two sisters would also meet Selena, a woman coming from old cdntury. Selena lived in a civilized city that respected women, but after the coming of the Wizard her city turned into a city that despise women. The two sisters would know how Selena had confronted the Wizard and sacrificed her life by throwing herself into the blood lake, which become a magical one after the blood of women had filled it. There in tge palace the two sisters would rediscover themselves and deiscover the courses that all the women in our world suffer from.
