Many good people are as confused as an Arctic penguin walking down a Panama beach about Christianity and what it really means to be a believer. Unfortunately, a lot of the confusion stems from certain churches and church-going people who have accepted a gospel that sounds good but is not quite right. How did we get to this point? Why are so many believers bound up with sin, ongoing habits, sickness, depression, fear, and the like? Why do so many people who attend church and call themselves believers lack a firm witness, seem to have no conviction or morals, lack peace, and are constantly struggling? Could it be that something Brother Kenneth Hagin once said has become the normal chain of events in most churches—even some evangelistic and Pentecostal charismatic circles today?
I will never forget what he said Jesus told him. We are getting a lot of conversions but few real new births. Could this be the reason for such a lack of conviction and power in the church world as a whole today? Could it be that many have grasped a false belief system that mirrors true biblical Christianity yet leaves folks in a state of having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof? Find out the answers to these questions as you read this book!