Tipton Poetry Journal #57 - Summer 2023

Author: Barry Harris
ISBN: 979-8-89184-384-4

Tipton Poetry Journal, located in the heartland of the Midwest, publishes quality poetry from Indiana and around the world.

Statistics: This issue features 46 poets from the United States (22 unique states), and 4 poets from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Ukraine.

Our Featured Poem this issue is “How to Fall in Love with Robert Bly” written by Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas. Her poem, which also receives an award of $25, can be found on page 2. The featured poem was chosen by the Board of Directors of Brick Street Poetry, Inc., the Indiana non-profit organization who publishes Tipton Poetry Journal.

Barry Harris reviews The Hum in Human by William Aarnes
Barry Harris reviews neverwell by Darren C. Demaree

Cover Photo: Heron Reflection by Brendan Crowley.
