Author: Eric Douglass
ISBN: 979-8-89443-341-7

The book, a new installment of the series “Decisions That Try Our Faith”, provides a critical analysis of the arguments and perspectives on the topic of abortion from a religious standpoint, specifically focusing on the pro-Life (anti-abortion) and pro-choice arguments.  It provides an analysis of these arguments based on biblical scholarship and interpretation.
The document begins by acknowledging that the abortion debate is complex and contentious, with arguments on both sides rooted in moral, ethical, and religious beliefs.  
The central argument made by proponents of the anti-abortion movement is the belief in the sanctity of life as outlined in the Bible. On the other hand, those who adopt pro-Choice argument may also turn to the Bible for support.  They argue that the Bible does not explicitly address the issue of abortion and that interpretations of various passages can be subjective.  The document then presents both arguments and applies God’s Truth found in the Holy Bible to both arguments.  
The document further explores the biblical support for free agency, the consideration of competing interests when making decisions, and the concept of making judgments.  It provides various verses from the Bible that support these principles and highlight the importance of seeking wisdom, discernment, and guidance from God in decision-making.
In conclusion, the document acknowledges the diversity of opinions on abortion within American society and emphasizes the need for respectful dialogue and understanding among individuals with differing perspectives.  It encourages individuals to approach the abortion debate with sensitivity, empathy, and an openness to different viewpoints.
