Author: Eric Douglass
ISBN: 979-8-89443-392-9

“The Question of Abortion” is a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of the contentious and deeply divisive topic of abortion. ​ Authored by BspDr. Eric L. Douglass, Sr., this book delves into the pro-life versus pro-choice debate, offering insights and perspectives from a Christian standpoint. It begins by providing a summary of the issue of abortion in the United States and acknowledges the complexity of the topic. ​ The book then explores three foundational points that shape the author’s perspective on abortion, including the distinction between Kairos and Chronos time, the understanding that sin is sin to God with no hierarchy, and the concept that the Chronos Earth is not our origin or home. ​ Throughout the book, various arguments and perspectives on abortion are presented, including the anti-abortion argument rooted in the belief in the sanctity of life and the pro-choice argument emphasizing free agency. ​ The author provides biblical support for both viewpoints and encourages readers to consider God’s standard of behavior in navigating the abortion debate. ​ The book also emphasizes the importance of respectful dialogue and understanding among individuals with differing opinions on abortion. ​ Overall, “The Question of Abortion” offers a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of this highly debated topic. ​
