This verse-by-verse Commentary looks into Matthew’s Israelite upbringing, who he was, why he
wrote his account when he wrote it, and who his intended audience was. As a Disciple of Yeshua, Matthew
provides a unique insight into the Ministry of the Messiah due to Matthew’s knowledge of the history of the
Hebrew people and his close proximity to the Savior.
The Gospel of Matthew covers the earthly life of the Messiah from His bloodline and birth through His
resurrection. Some of the highlights of Matthew’s account of the life of Yeshua Messiah are:
• Matthew demonstrates to his readers that Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah with the royal bloodline
through the House of David.
• Hope for the Gentiles was prophesied by the Prophets and manifested in the arrival of Messiah. The
fulfillment of this prophecy was at the forefront of Yeshua’s mind as He preached the true Gospel of the
Kingdom and healed all who came to Him.
• Yeshua’s interactions with His Disciples, discourses with the Chief Priests and the elders of the people
revealed some powerful and dynamic lessons about what would happen to those who refused to
recognize YeHoVaH’s ownership of His creation and their role in His Kingdom.
• This Commentary investigates the conversation, dialogue, and language of the Gospel narratives of
Matthew and John to determine and answer whether the last supper Yeshua ate with His Disciples was
the Passover meal or just Yeshua’s last supper with His Disciples.
• Matthew describes the epic showdown between the Savior on the cross and satan, which was on full
display for the whole world to see. Yeshua’s death on the cross as the King of the Jews and the Kingdom
He brought to earth appeared to have come to an end as He breathed His last breath and declared, “It is
• YeHoVaH’s plan to redeem man and His Creation provided a pathway back to Him had been put into play
after the fall of man in the garden and materialized at the cross with Yeshua’s sacrifice for the sins of the
• Yeshua’s resurrected Life was committed to empowering His Disciples on how to live in the Kingdom of
Heaven as a man on earth, how to please YeHoVaH through obedience to His Commands, how to walk in
the power of the Holy Spirit, and how to make Disciples of the nations as He had Discipled them.
This is an essential Commentary for the study of the life of the Messiah and how to apply it in our lives, the principles He taught!
Monday – Friday 8 AM to 4 PM CST