The Dordrecht Bible Commentary: Volume VI: The Epistles & Revelation

Author: H. David Schuringa
ISBN: 978-1-64440-078-4

Volume Six of the Dordrecht Bible Commentary contains the books of Romans – Revelation. Inspiration and instruction for God’s peoplle runs from personal holiness to Christian worldview, pastoral guidance to combating heresy, ecclesiastical problem-solvig to expansive vision-casting, comfort for the afflicted to affliction for the comfortable, living the now to living in what is to come, reachingn the loast to retaining the anithesis, Christian freedom to considerate abstnene–and countless more vital themes are covered with clarity and illumination.

Approved by The Synod of Dort 1618 and The Westminster Assembly 1645, the Dort Bible has blessed the church ever since, not only with a fresh and accurate translation but also its revered running commentary.
