The Dordrecht Bible Commentary: Volume V: The Gospels & Acts

Author: H. David Schuringa
ISBN: 978-1-64440-077-7

For 400 years, the Dort Bible [Statenvertaling] has blessed the universal church with not only a tried and true translation but also a revered running commentary from the best and most godly pastor-theologians of the 17th Century Golden Age. This special gift for God’s people, covering all of Scripture, was approved by both the Synod of Dordrecht 1618-1619 and the Westminster Assembly 1645.

The work on earth of our Savior does not begin with the Gospels. That said, the gospel record in this volume is of Jesus’ work down here in human flesh which he assumed at his conception. Each gospel tells the same story but in its own inspired way.
Matthew writes to Jewish Christians, showing how in every step along the way, Jesus is the promised Messiah. Mark is more like a gospel tract, the briefest account, that on the one hand reads like a press release and, on the other hand, provides a compact manual for Christian discipleship. Luke makes clear that his biography of Jesus intends to show how the Savior came as the remedy for thshould be called the fifth gospel because Luke himself tells us that in his first book he reports what Jesus began to do and to teach.

The Dort Commentary compels us to see why everything in Scripture, also before and after these books, is about Jesus. The Dort scholars depict him in all his glory and humility as the Son of God, truly God and truly man, who shed his own blood for his own.
e entire world, i.e. Gentiles as well as Jews. And the fourth account provides a more philosophical basis for the Christian faith. Fact is, that Acts
