The Dordrecht Bible Commentary: Volume III: The Wisdom Literature

Author: H. David Schuringa
ISBN: 978-1-64440-074-6

The Wisdom Literature (Job through Song of Solomon)

For 400 years, the Dort Bible [Statenvertaling] has blessed the universal church not only with a fresh and accurate translation but also its revered running from the best and most godly pastor-theologians of the 17th Century Golden Age. This gift for God’s people, covering all of Scripture, was approved by both the Synod of Dordrecht 1618-1619 and the Westminster Assembly 1645.

This the third volume in the six-volume set, preserving the original 17th Century text, consists of the Wisdom Literature (Job – Song of Solomon). In these documents, at the center and heart of the entire Bible, those who are thirsty are invited to drink deeply from the waters of salvation. To receive the embrace of the Christ—who is, who was and who is to come—who satisfies the believer’s deepest longings and sets the tone for faithful covenant living within the grand history of redemption.

Taking a break from the Rembrandt Gallery, Volume III contains a second gallery entitled, “In Word and Worship,” depicting exhibits of Scripture and worship resources from the Reformation and the Further Reformation period. The rediscovery of the truths of God’s Word and the reforming of worship were always on the hearts and minds of churches of the Reformation.

The Dort Scholars were well aware that one may apprehend the facts of the covenant, its promises, stipulations and sanctions. It is possible to understand the entire historical record and that all of Scripture is about Christ, but yet remain detached from its promises and blessings. The Wisdom Literature speaks directly to the heart and precisely into your everyday walk for true appropriation of life in Covenant with God.

The Wisdom Literature (Job through Song of Solomon
