The Book of Soul

Author: Qirfiraz Ahmed Siddiqui
ISBN: 978-1-63821-851-7

The 17th century saint, Hazrat Sultan Bahoo (R.A) authored over 140 books, of which around 40 are still available. All of his books are in Persian except the collection of his poetry, which is, in the form of Punjabi couplets. Risala Roohi Shareef, is one of his most concise & representative books. Also, the ‘Risala’ is the only of his books, which has been often prescribed as Wazeefa, by the saints of the order. This is why original text & transliteration has been included in this compilation, so that reader could get maximum benefit & barakah (spiritual blessing).

This compilation, “The Book of Soul” was first published in 1995, in Johannesburg, South Africa, for a limited circulation. The original Persian text was taken from “Sultan-ul-Aurad” by Hazrat Faqir Noor Mohammad (R.A.). English translation was also done on the basis of the Urdu translation in Sultan-ul-Aurad. Second publication of this compilation took place in 1997, again for limited circulation, in San Francisco bay area, United States of America.

Later, in 1997, Hazrat Faqir Abdul Hameed (R.A.) of Kulatchi Shareef, got this compilation reviewed by Dr. Sultan Altaf Ali who also kindly blessed this compilation with his foreword, which was published on a dedicated website on the internet in 1999. This electronic publication was received very well throughout the world and several other Wazaif were made available on the website for the benefit of seekers.

Now Risala Roohi Shareef is available on many websites and several translations with detailed commentaries & explanation of Risala Roohi Shareef are available in book form but Hazrat Faqir Abdul Hameed (R.A.) until his death in 2017, repeatedly emphasized the need to look at Risala from a fresh angle. Alhamdo-lillah, by the blessing of Murshi-e-Kaamil, after 25 years of first publication, this compilation is being presented which explains basic teachings of Risala using the contemporary terminology of theoretical physics & multi-dimensional space, as well as it applies a novel approach to explore similarities between teachings of Sufism & Jewish Kabbalah by putting them side-by-side, together, in tabular format.
