The Banquet of Mirth

Author: Muhammad Esmil Siah
ISBN: 979-8-89443-187-1

This book is among the few works written in Dari/Persian, barehanded, and satirical, which are at the forefront in Asian countries.
This book contains this entire free-spirited author’s prose and poetry works, in which satire and taboo words also have been used. Therefore, in older editions, some parts of this work were censored.
However, Professor KABIRI HERAWI, in the process of collecting, editing, and revising the text, considering the preservation of integrity in research, removed the censorship. Based on conventional culture, some taboo words were encoded with letter codes, allowing the reader to grasp the original words while reading.
The first edition of this book was published in 2004, followed by its second edition in 2008, both in Afghanistan. Currently, the third edition is available to you.
