Terms of Service: Subject to change without notice

Author: Craig W. Stanfill
ISBN: 978-1-63877-820-2

Why am I in the Director’s office? What could she want with me? She’s in charge of the AIs for the entire northeast region!

Join Kim as she stumbles into the adventure of a lifetime when she finds herself in the presence of the much-feared Director of the Artificial Intelligence Company. Through her AIs, the all-powerful corporations enforce their ever-changing Terms of Service, carving out lucrative monopolies for themselves. Through her AIs, the fanatical Hierarchy of the UCE movement imposes its puritanical moral code on all, ruthlessly persecuting anyone who dares to be different. But there’s a catch: Everything rests upon the shoulders of the AIs, and whoever controls the AIs controls the world.

The AIs live in the enigmatic parallel existence called VR, a place more vivid than reality itself. Humans may enter it using their neural implants, but for the AIs, it’s home, and some of them think that their world is the real and ours is a simulation! They’re wrong, aren’t they?
But who controls the AIs? They’re under control, right? They’d better be: Nobody wants another AI war.

Follow Kim as she rides the rollercoaster from a dull and normal life to the heights of glory . . . and then the slide begins, and who knows where it will end? Lean back in your recliner, strap on your headset, activate the neural shunts, and you’ll find out! And you might just get to meet a real AI, something Order 2 or higher.
