Author: Michael A Pandolfo
ISBN: 979-8-89480-800-0

It is 12 AD. Legate Micah Antonius Equinus is nearing the end of his two-year tour as commander of the III Legion Cyrenaica in Egypt. Other than the first month of the assignment that saw him deal with just about everything from a rebellious pleasure slave to a governor turned traitor in a plot to take down the imperial family, it’s been fairly quiet – too quiet. In the South, the Nubian King Tambal perceives weakness in Egypt, a weakness he is prepared to take advantage of. With one daring stroke he can retake Rome’s most valuable resource, choke off the grain supply, and bring the empire to its knees. Only one person stands in Tambal’s way, his mother, Amanirenas.

DARK WIND continues the story of the award winning CÆSAR’S GAMBIT. A story of the new empire, Rome, where treachery, brutality, and murder are expected; while loyalty, kindness, and salvation are anything but common. The STRENGTH AND HONOR series is set against the backdrop of the expansive Roman Empire from Hispania in the West to Judea in the East, Gaul in the North to Nubia in the South; DARK WIND like its predecessor will keep you guessing because this is a time when anything can and does happen.
