Shushan's Shenanigans

Author: Joel B. Parker
ISBN: 978-1-64713-816-5

This is the entire ten chapters of the Bible Book of Esther. This and Ruth are only two books of the Bible written in honor of, and entitled with the name of a woman. Surprisingly, this is the only book of the Bible that doesn’t mention God.
The Book of Esther relates the story of a Hebrew woman in Persia, born as Hadassah but known as Esther. In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Esther is: Secret, hidden. This is an intriguing story of mass deception, mass partying and mass survival. Under the tutelage of her cousin Mordecai, Esther hid her Jewish heritage long enough to become the Queen. The previous Queen, Vashti lost her position and ultimately her life.
The antagonist, villain in this story was a man named Haman who sought to annihilate all the Jews; history shows, a pogrom commonly known as genocide is not new. Haman known as “Haman the Agagite” or “Haman the evil”, manipulated the King into initially agreeing with his homicidal plan. However, using this verbiage which became a famous quote: Esther proclaimed the following: “If I Perish, I perish”, and she went to see the King. The King heard her plea and changed his decree sparing Jews in all of the one hundred, twenty-seven (127) provinces which he ruled over. It’s interesting because women in general didn’t have outwardly prominent roles, but in this story a woman who was instrumental in saving an entire culture, is a hero.

As a result of being spared, the Jews to this day have a celebration called Purim. It is celebrated by: Exchanging gifts of food and drink known as mishloach manot. … Eating a celebratory meal known as a se’udat Purim. Public recitation (“reading of the megillah”) of the Scroll of Esther, known as kriat ha-megillah, usually in synagogue. The ironic traditional dessert is a “Hamantashen” cookie. It is a fruit-filled, shortbread pastry named after Haman. It is shaped like the hat Haman wore and symbolizes how he crumbled.

This is the Poetically Correct Short Story
