Revived Failure: Iran’s Reality After the American Withdrawal of the Nuclear Deal

Author: Fazle Chowdhury
ISBN: 978-1-64945-774-5

In 2015, Iran agreed with China, France, Germany, Russia, the US, UK, and the European Union on a long-term deal called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on its nuclear program. Under the deal, Iran resumed selling its oil on international markets and using the global financial system for its list of acquisitions but it also agreed to limit its nuclear activities and allow international inspectors.

However, in May 2018, US President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal, reinstating sanctions targeting both Iran and countries that trade with it.

Revived Failure encompasses Chowdhury’s holistic economic view of Iran ―exploring the devastating effects on its economy and is reflective of a dangerous crisis.
