Reflections on Inspiring Light Through the Cracks

Author: Mary Mesikapp
ISBN: 979-8-88680-661-8

I went to a Christian adoption group meeting a few years ago, one of the leaders spoke about an ancient Japanese art called Kintsugi. This Japanese art mends broken pottery with gold lacquer making the repaired piece more beautiful for having been broken. The message of using our broken stories, mistakes, trials, and pains, for good, resonated with me.
So I purposely broke a teacup, and pondered the long list of my challenges with myself. I pondered the mindset of the negative and the need to trust God with my unbelief. God is refining me like the epoxy and gold flakes reconnected the broken pieces of my teacup. The bond of strength in this cup is stronger, the shimmering gold edges of the cracked pieces are more luminous. The beauty of the teacup is changed and more meaningful to me now than if the teacup hadn’t been broken.
As I was breaking the teacup, I thought in the back of my mind how amazing it would be if there was a small, irreparable opening. I reflected if that opening appeared, it would be a reminder of how the Lord God Himself has shown Himself through the cracks of my life. It would remind me I am not meant to go through repair without His Light.
Interesting enough, the small opening in my teacup did appear, and I carefully dabbed on gold-dusted epoxy in the opening. Surely, I will remember He is steadfast in all trials, joys, and the steps of life. May I be the example to those who watch the step-by-step journey of His Light shining through the cracks. Refined, remade, richer, and luminous!
Kintsugi feels so relevant for current times. The world seems to be fracturing, from families to nations—we all need peace and unity with our Creator. Our cracks can be healed and patched up by spending time meditating on His Word. Let Jesus provide the glue and wisdom and let His Light shine through the cracks.
