Quid est Vita : What is Life

Author: Anonymous
ISBN: 979-8-89504-139-0

“Without our awareness of pain and joy we’re little better than machines. To paraphrase Aristotle, life is more than survival alone but the pursuit of a greater good, happiness. I say that if we can’t feel something greater than the need to survive, we’re no different to these insignificant creatures, whose lives are in the hands of forces greater than themselves. So I’ll ask you again, if you could have eternity, would it matter without the ability to feel emotions?”

Questions that can’t be answered. Desires just out of reach. Dreams waiting to come true. Four people across space and time search for a meaning behind it all.

400 years in the future, Markson, a former slave, is hired to bodyguard Arlise Thratton, the vice president of a high profile company that profits off of human trafficking. Despite multiple attempts to ban the modern slave trade, Arlise has been crucified by the press and in turn has become a lawless drunk with no regard for her own life or the people around her. In a mission of personal redemption, Markson makes it his goal to save Arlise from herself. He soon discovers that finding solace is not as simple as it seems.
