
Author: Khadijah Muhammad Yaya
ISBN: 979-8-88796-202-3

Author: Khadijah Muhammad Yaya.

PUSH: Is an inspirational journal inspired by the whole ideology of being a victim of circumstance and life. It hopes to give an ounce of hope to the soul battling today, it wishes to tell you that, with time, it will all be fine. The book PUSH doesn’t promise perfection or ease in your daily struggles, it merely reminds you that, at the end, when you look back, you will either be pleased at the fact that you pushed when it was all dark, or regret the fact that you didn’t when you had every chance to.

PUSH Isn’t perfect, on the contrary, it was written by a young soul whose main aim is to send out a good word, with the hope that, when you’re at your lowest, you understand that, it is just a phase, it will pass, and when it does, your action of pushing, would make it so worth it.
In shaa Allah.

Give the book a chance! Hopefully, it makes you smile, it gives you hope, it reminds you of how beautiful you are, and it takes you atleast a step closer to your waliyy.
