Proto Humans: No Space for Opressors

Author: Patrick Stuver
ISBN: 979-8-88627-797-5

The Apocalypse always seems near for every generation at every time in history. After all, where would our mythologies be without some pending, fiery end to everything?
How would one strike fear into the masses?
Throughout the ages, technological advancements and ideas have been stunted by people motivated by their own agenda. Advances in thought have been buried by fanaticism.
Now, the air is poisoned and the waters polluted. The population is far beyond what nature can support.
Coexistence on Earth has proven impossible and self-preservation is the way of things nationally, locally and individually.
Only a few people are prepared as a planet-killing asteroid has been making its way towards Earth.
Finally! The END is here. But what if the end is not at all what the storytellers had predicted?
