One Nation Under God ...Again!

Author: David M. Arns
ISBN: 978-1-64669-235-4

One of the recent discussions that has been generating more heat than light lately pertains to the spiritual underpinnings of the Founding Fathers of these United States: whether or not they intended to include Biblical/Christian principles in the founding documents, and therefore the entire fabric of our American society. There are some modern scholars who say the Founders were godless and secular, and other modern scholars who say they were solid Biblical Christians. Who is right? Rather than simply quoting recent writings concerning what the Founders “must have” meant, it is much more reliable to look at the writings of the Founders themselves, in context, compare their content to the Bible, and see how well they match. Unlike some modern scholars who “omit the scholarly practice” of including citations, expecting their readers to simply trust their conclusions, this book includes hundreds of footnotes containing citations, so you can go to the original documents themselves and verify the statements herein. When you do, you will see that our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are not at all “godless” documents written from a secular mindset, but are filled with Biblical references, concepts, and wisdom. Armed with that knowledge and understanding, you will be able to confidently promote, as did the Founders, the strength of character and solid societal foundations that originally formed the basis of this country. If the Body of Christ rises to the challenge, we will indeed be one nation under God …again!
