Oh, Evolve! (Good Luck With That...)

Author: David Arns
ISBN: 978-1-64669-229-3

When the question of Creation vs. Evolution comes up, many people immediately assume it is a question of science vs. religion. But is it really? There are many scientists with impressive credentials in a variety of fields—many of them clearly not creationists—who are becoming more vocal all the time about the problems with the whole Darwinian idea of how everything came to be. And it’s true: there are more discoveries every year that militate against the ideas of the Big Bang, deep time, the Nebular Hypothesis of how the solar system was formed, uniformitarianism, life “arising” by random and undirected processes, and more. This book examines the problems with a variety of evolutionary assumptions, many of which are expressed by evolutionists themselves, and shows, in laymen’s terms, why the theory of evolution is collapsing under the weight of its own presuppositions. Evidence from cosmology, geology, chemistry, genetics, biology, and more, is becoming increasingly hostile to evolutionary notions. Because of this, more and more “rescue devices” (supplementary theories intended to explain why observations don’t match evolutionary predictions) are needed each year, to prop up the teetering theory. Not only will you see that evolution is no less a religion than Christianity, but you’ll see that the Creation vs. Evolution debate is science vs. science. Check out the evidence, and see which model is more supported by real-world observations!
