No Place For Nice Guys: Chronicles of A Bad Man

Author: Brian DuBois
ISBN: 979-8-89074-507-1

No Place for Nice Guys is a compilation of stories about a very bad man named Kingston. Who is surrounded by many other very bad men and women in a terrible place called Town. It is neo-noir with an extra large helping of bloody violence, sex, and perverse mayhem on the side.

Kingston must constantly prove that he is the toughest of the tough.
The baddest of the bad.
The bloodiest of the bloodied.
The most ruthless and violent of them all.

The five closely linked stories in this volume establish that Kingston never waivers or pauses, but always moves Straight Ahead. Viciously demonstrating his creed to always enact violence upon all those deserving, using anything and everything available, even if it’s just a bag of Ten Penny Nails. No one can escape his wrath in Three Before Midnight because Kingston is never one to run from a fight or leave dirty tasks undone. All Loose Ends will be unapologetically tied up or eliminated. So if Brie Must Die!!! in the end, then so be it. Kingston can make that happen.

DuBois’ newest thrilling piece of fiction dips its toe into the sordid pool of the noir genre. It is as disturbing and enticing as a wink and a nod fired from across a smoky room by a rough-looking dame wearing a sneer on her red-painted lips and an evil twinkle in her lupine eyes.
