Neglected Love

Author: Juanita Cunningham
ISBN: 978-1-63684-990-4

Young Sinayah fell for the peer pressures of life as anyone else. She tried her hardest to evade the statistics of being promiscuous but the inevitable happened because she felt neglected and she didn’t know her value. She began to experience heartbreak after heartbreak and feeling less important and more invaluable. When a young girl’s heart is broken, she doesn’t know that the last thing she needs is another relationship, but the communication and love of her father will mend her broken heart. Music videos raised her and had an influence on how she dressed, how she wore her hair, and how she responded to men.

Neglected Love provides detailed information regarding the power of our words when we can recognize our inner being and the dangers of neglect, being unprotected, being controlled by man-made religions, the lack of repentance, the lack of forgiveness, and the effects of hurt and pain. Sinayah experienced supernatural events numerous times; moments of healing, of revelation, and how our words and beliefs can defeat darkness.

She once had a supernatural experience when she repeatedly meditated on the scripture John 10:30, “My Father and I are One”. When she fell asleep, the light of God’s Glory lit up the entire room and she felt her body lift off the bed physically, and instantly she knew that she had tapped into something unfamiliar. There is power in the name of Jesus Christ and he makes himself available to all who are willing to accept him into their lives.

Real Love is not for Sale! “In all honesty, we are all in the same boat, needing forgiveness, needing love and understanding, and in need of real love without any ulterior motives.”
