Maggie's Knight

Author: Jude Arp
ISBN: 978-1-63877-321-4

In 2015, Johnny Lynn, an intelligent gentleman, lives with a dark secret he may never tell. After all, what sensible person will believe that he is a time traveler — not once but twice in his life? When he unintentionally takes refuge in a cave from a thunderstorm, he climbs through an opening and awakes in 1915. Johnny has amnesia, adopts a nom de plume, falls in love with and marries Maggie Davies, the crucial subject of his research in 2015, and lives a blissful life, awaiting their first child’s birth. On an excursion, he accidentally disappears in the same cave that brought him to Maggie, transporting him back to 2015. His memories of both lives return. Devastated that he cannot rejoin his family in 1915, and recalling the death of his first wife, Jenny, and their infant son in 2015, he is inconsolable. Eventually, his grief turns into resolve. He wills himself to find inner peace and live alone, never to become the family man he longs to be. Unexpectedly, Johnny meets Maggie’s relative and near double — and her name is also Maggie. Surprised and guardedly elated, Johnny hopes Maggie Jenkins holds the answer to his distress. Can Johnny live a fulfilled life even through the challenges that await him?
