Listen! Six Men You Should Know: Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Schweitzer, Rembrandt, Samuel Morse, Sigmund Freud, Norman Rockwell

Author: Christine Farenhorst
ISBN: 978-1-64999-361-8

Every Good Gift Comes From Above
Western Civilization has produced innumerable, brilliant men and women who have advanced society in countless ways. For this book, Christine Farenhorst selects six extraordinary figures dating from the 17th – 20th centuries that illustrate the point.

But even the most gifted in history have something in common with each of us. As John Van Dyke states in the Foreword, “All the more reason for Christine to restore flesh and fiber to these bones with her well researched profiles, so that we and our children can learn from and about the lives of others and be enriched in the process….”

We are, all of us, given a moment in time. Some are given a small moment, microscopic as it were; and others are given trav-eling stretches as long as the horizon. In the long run, however, it does not matter how long our instant on earth is, or how far it extends. What does matter is what we do with that gift of hours, days or years.

We are not all Kings, Schweitzers, Rembrandts, Morses, Freuds, or Rockwells. This is a fact. Yet, we have all been gifted by God in some area or other: whether that be in smiling, crafting bowls out of clay, tilling the soil, raising lambs or baking bread.
