Life I Am

Author: Adam K Wilkinson
ISBN: 979-8-88862-632-0

Life I Am follows the evolution of the main character through the experiences of life in the form of a fish, dragonfly, rock, dam, pebble, grain of sand, and river.  Beautiful watercolor imagery complements our hero on their journey.  Decide which character best symbolizes your current path through life and perhaps realize a deeper motif that points to the unity and oneness of all Life.

This book includes both a dream journal and a wake journal at the back of the book.  In this existence, you evolve through your free will choices as you choose your relationship with the catalysts provided. You may choose the path of the seeker or the path of the drifter, and there is learning in both. The seeker will find the deeper answers to Life and how they fit into the totality.  “Knock and it will be opened…”

Journaling is a tool for the seeker.  Taking time to meditate on the deeper meanings of life and then recording your insights in writing provides a daily opportunity to take control of your personal evolution.

Insights can come to us at any time and anywhere, even in our sleep.  We have reserved the remainder of this book for those looking to grab the helm of their evolutionary ship and truly become the master and commander of their moment-to-moment experiences.

The first 25 pages are reserved for your dream journaling and the remaining 25 pages are reserved for your wake journaling.  When we dream, our conscious mind merges with our subconscious and symbolic information can help us make sense of what we don’t currently understand about our waking reality.
