King David and Other Kings: Life Lessons for Today

Author: Rich Kanyali
ISBN: 978-1-64370-623-8

Life is a life of lessons. We can learn from those that went before us and those that are still with us. Although the life of King David was more like a roller coaster, it’s one of the most detailed lives we have in the Holy Scriptures. We see the good and the ugly of his life. He made some wrong decisions and he made some great ones too. Nonetheless, the Word of God says that he was a “Man after God’s own heart.” One thing Rich does not recommend is always learning by your own experience. Sometimes the best way is to learn is from the experience of another. We can learn at David’s expense (1 Corinthians 10:1-12).
In this book, King David and Other Kings, Rich draws out those lessons we can learn from the life of David before and after he was King, and how to avoid the same pitfalls that he fell into. He goes a little further and throws in a bonus of five other kings such as Jehu, Saul, Jehoshaphat, Manasseh, and Josiah as comparisons and contrasts to King David. You will love what you read, and you will find the application of these truths in your life transformational and impactful as Rich has.
