Kevin Martinez and the Crimson Knights: The Wakefield Princess

Author: Mike Torres
ISBN: 979-8-89443-768-2

Danger lurks around every corner after an attack on Kevin’s home exposes a harrowing truth: his enemies know his identity, placing him in grave peril. In response, Kevin and his allies return to Derathiel, driven by the urgent need to find the legendary Diamondpeak—a spear whose strike is rumored to turn its foes into sand. This formidable weapon would aid against the relentless forces of Raven, who threaten them at home and within the portal realm. Yet, Derathiel itself teeters on the brink of ruin, its survival resting in the hands of its young princess, the last bastion against Raven’s domination.

Back at home, the danger escalates as Kevin’s enemies have infiltrated his school, weaving their malevolent schemes into the fabric of his daily life. They are intent on vanquishing him and his allies and are plotting to summon Vengara, a dark entity focused on finding and capturing Aura—Zander’s infant sister who has exhibited some strange, mysterious powers.

As the stakes rise, Kevin and his allies must tread a treacherous path fraught with betrayal and danger, where misplaced trust could lead to catastrophic consequences. With time running out, they must summon their courage and resolve to protect those they love and confront the encroaching forces threatening to engulf both Derathiel and Wakefield Falls.
