Invasion of the Thought Gremlins (The Honey Bunny Family Presents:)

Author: Debbie Milam
ISBN: 979-8-89217-508-1

Invasion of the Thought Gremlins is a delightful children’s picture book by author Debbie Milam and her four-and six-year-old grandchildren. This fun, creative story helps children and adults understand how the human mind works, and how with God’s help, we can learn to use our thoughts for good.

As parents and children read this story together, you will learn pivotal life lessons in fun, lighthearted way. Lessons like:

How to distinguish wisdom from unhelpful thoughts.
What to do with overwhelming thinking.
How to ask God for peaceful thoughts.
How to discover the beautiful gifts that live inside of each of us.

Children will be captivated by the colorful and adorable characters in this story that burst with technicolor joy.
