Inside Out - A 40 Day Journey to Transforming Your Heart

Author: Holly A. Melton
ISBN: 978-1-63877-618-5

“HEART ATTACK! I think I’m having a HEART ATTACK!” These are not the words you want to hear coming from your mouth.

Our hearts are the most critical organ in our body. From it flows the blood that brings us life. When our heart stops working correctly, we stop working correctly. When we don’t regularly consider keeping our hearts healthy, we become susceptible to a life-threatening heart attack.

It is the same with our spiritual hearts. We do not know how unhealthy, how sick our hearts are until, all of a sudden, we find ourselves giving in to some sort of sin that we’d never thought we would do. HEART ATTACK. Or we say something that destroys a relationship, and we can’t believe those words came out of our mouths. HEART ATTACK. We cannot prevent these attacks on our own because we don’t even realize where we are spiritually sick.

How can we protect ourselves from a spiritual heart attack? Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” We need to learn the depth of our hearts. We cannot see things on our own, but God can reveal them to us when we ask Him. When we take time to focus on what’s inside and are open to purging out what is killing us, we will live the abundant life that Jesus promised us.

This 40-day journey will be like open-heart surgery on our spiritual hearts. Maybe you don’t feel you need surgery. Your heart isn’t that bad! The Bible says differently in Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” If we don’t realize the depth of the depravity, the deception, and the desires of the flesh growing in our hearts daily, we will become very spiritually sick.

This journey may be humbling, but I pray, it also fills you with hope. We do not have to have our hearts under attack. We can attack the unhealthy places inside us with vigilance and come out victorious. Let’s start looking from the Inside Out and live the life God’s planned for us!
