He's Not Lost

Author: DebiAnn Henderson
ISBN: 978-1-68564-822-0

We all have had someone significant in our lives pass away and not know how to handle the following emotions. Grief is how the heart responds to the painful feelings of sorrow. Imagine being six years old with so many questions about the loss of someone very important to you. When someone is such a valued member of your circle, you dare not speak your questions out loud for fear of making those around you sad. He’s not lost is the story of 6-year-old Kennedi Redfield’s reaction to the passing of her Great grandfather. Grief can present itself in many different forms, from denial to anger, even illness in adults. Those same emotions can occur in children. This book shares Kennedy’s emotional experience with grief. With the assistance of her caregivers and a local youth center for children who experienced meaningful loss, Kennedi finds understanding and the tools needed to express her feelings openly. The last few pages of this book are designed to help caregivers understand their child’s emotional changes. It offers recommended ways to help the child find its peace in the new normalcy of their world.
