Green Leaves That Never Wither: Growing--Deeply Rooted in Psalm 1

Author: Robert D. Norman
ISBN: 978-1-64633-629-6

Thriving, Not Suriving!
As the gospel call goes out, all those ordained to eternal life will come to faith. But there’s more. Much more. That initial response, initiated by the Spirit at work within, is only the beginning. Believers are not only born again, but also are growing in grace.
Robert Norman offers a refreshing set of ten meditations on the first psalm which demonstrate the beauty of a Christian life that is well-grounded, as well as the futility of those who are not. In practical terms, he explains what it means for a believer to prosper like a tree planted by streams of water, roots extending, bearing luscious fruit—indeed, why its green leaves never wither.
Green Leaves That Don’t Wither will instruct and inspire you. Invigorated by the Living Word, you will see how your life is antithetical to that of the world. How you are alive, not dead; righteous, not wicked; thriving, not surviving. For it is no longer we who live, but Christ in us.
So here sets the tone for everything, not only for the rest of the book of Psalms but also for the entirety of a robust world-and-life view. Drink deeply!
