Discovering the Value & Effectiveness of Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Author: Dr. Alireza Mirshojae, DC, QME, CMUA
ISBN: 979-8-89372-829-3

This book is a summary of 30 years plus experience of a chiropractor who is specialized in MUA. The book starts with defining MUA, Manipulation Under Anesthesia. It briefly touches on mechanics of the human body, anatomy, different types of forces, and how to assess joint function; focusing mainly on the Spine. The author continues explaining further about MUA, chiropractic Adjustment, Physiotherapy and procedures commonly used in conjunction with chiropractic care. There is a section about Medical-Legal pertaining to Personal Injury claims and chiropractic. Then focus shifts back to MUA from discussing patients initial visit with the doctor, initial evaluation, initial diagnostics and treatments, pros and cons of choosing MUA is also discussed. About midway into the book the whole picture of when and how the patient becomes qualified as a MUA candidate is revealed. The initial evaluation and preparation of the patient for MUA procedure (Pre-op) is discussed. Finally the surgical Center procedure & experience is explained in detail from the time the patient enters the surgical center, admission procedures, pre-op room, IV hookup, operating room, anesthesia medications, operating procedures, instruments used (Pictures), and finally the recovery room and discharge. Last pages of the book are dedicated to two real case studies and possible post-MUA complications.
