Author: George McCarley
ISBN: 979-8-88896-881-9

Never before produded in a single work, the 7000 year history of democracy; DEMOKRATIA TO DEMOCRACY, THE REQUIEM is the result of a lifetime of reading. It can be categorized as History, Politics, Religion, Government, Philosophy, Nonfiction, or War.

The decision to write came about upon continual evidence of the absolute decline of America – – more and more decline each year. Our government began its decline in 1950’s, political decline began in the 80’s, moral decline has been quite serious since at least 80’s, education went into steep decline with common core in 90’s. Now today even mainstream media is ready to abuse or ditch 1st amendment. It is clear that our failing and decline is driven by a year over year reduction in teaching of the most important 3 R’s and history and instead, adding more and more miscellaneous subjects. Additionally, our teaching of history is misguided as a result of teaching date memorization instead of teaching what happened on the date and why! Target audience for the book are TEACHERS, PREACHERS, POLITICIANS, and equally important is that great audience of history and freedom lovers. The work is a potential best seller having an audience in America along with all major nations, all across Europe, the Middle East, Persia and the Muslim world. My book is a great read for any and all lovers of history. Sufficient history is included across the Greco Roman, Persian, Hebrew, Muslim world that all those countries will take interest.

Context of the book is all the instances of history included in debate of America’s Founding Fathers at US Constitutional Convention of 1787 and documented within FEDERALIST PAPERS and James Madison Notes on Constitutional Convention. Within the book I detailed over 400 documented instances that guide the chronology of the book. While huge, 1800 pages and over 9000 footnotes, the book is written following a Founding Fathers guideline that these works be written in a simpler language format so that the masses can read and understand.

The book includes such a large swath of world history, it is 1800 pages prior to adding the index. Included are over 9000 footnotes along with several hundred source citations – – again designed to properly direct the teachers to all the sources for use in their classes, beginning at the grade level at which we begin teaching countries of the world, continuing through Ph.D. and JD pursuit. Footnotes and source citations equal a bit more than one third of the page count. New translations and refinement of translations are included within sources and content.

The book continues through the point of Constitutional debate in 1787. Concluding chapters are devoted to analysis of where previous governments have failed and where successful, along with same analysis of modern-day government. Oddly, many modern failures nearly mimic the same points of history that led to failure.

The book is intentionally written “straight down the middle.” There is no blame game of Republicans vs. Democrats. The facts are, in many cases, one side stakes a position and the other remains oddly silent, thus both sides are guilty of generating failure.
