Death Is Only The Beginning

Author: Laurie Thurlow
ISBN: 978-1-64786-830-7

Dilwyn David Lloyd George, an ordinary academic, craves nothing more than an average life, sharing an average marriage with his adored and average wife. Today, his 30th birthday, should be happier than most. But his constant tormentor has other ideas, and Dilwyn’s birthday will be his deathday.

At the moment of his death, immeasurable ancient powers converge to incarnate a new entity – an entity with no concept of its destiny and no clue where, or even what, it is. What it might be is hunted – the prey of a sorceress who has travelled through centuries devouring the life force of other beings. But the new entity is not alone: from an alternate realm, a Troll called ‘Bob’ brings guidance, knowledge and friendship, leading to awakening … and tragedy.

Dilwyn is desperate to protect his widow from ever-increasing danger, but Tanya and her sisters have been on their own journey of awakening. Now three witches and the entity are pitched into a battle waged across suburban London and ancient Egypt: will they master their powers before the sorceress achieves total dominion.
