Create Fascinating Stories: Educational Activity Workbook for Kids 7+. How to create short stories

Author: Ana Maria De la Guardia
ISBN: 979-8-88831-978-9

This book includes a summary of the most important points to understand what a story is, its characteristics, types, genres and more.

It teaches the student, in a fun and entertaining way, the knowledge to develop creative writing.

This book is not supposed to replace the story teaching offered in school, it is a complement to achieve those skills.

The book consists of lessons and practices that include ideas to guide the student to create their own stories.

Product characteristics:

– Created for children 7 to 11
– Designed for teaching at home or schools.
– Includes educational information about what a story is, what are the main genres of short stories, characteristics, etc.
– Includes questions for the child to generate their own stories only by offering them the initial seed so that they begin to use their creativity and develop ideas.
– Includes 3 practice sections, one for story generation, the second for character development and the third where you play with the story genres.
