
Author: Jaxon Lee Rose
ISBN: 978-1-68454-109-6

Siggy Smith is an immigrant, a wife, a mother, a soldier and a shapeshifter. She served in the special forces, did her job well, and retired so she could start her family.

Today, she is a confessed killer sentenced to liquidation.

Aberrants don’t have the luxury of sitting on death row for years. They’re sentenced to liquidation and terminated quickly, efficiently, and brutally.

As she awaits her fate in iron shackles, a D.O.D. official pays her an unexpected visit and offers her a lifeline: Put her valuable skills to use on a new experimental military unit for five years and walk away a free woman.

The job: hunt down the monsters deemed too dangerous for the standard military to face, both on and off U.S. soil.

Chances are she won’t live long enough to enjoy her freedom when the contract is up, but whatever happens before then is sure to be far more interesting than being dismembered and incinerated in a public execution
