Body as Tuning Fork: a journey with food and belly

Author: Marya Birch
ISBN: 978-1-63649-515-6

Following the golden thread backward, the author retraces her steps of healing from an atypical eating disorder as a mid-life adult. Her symptoms pushed her into a conscious relationship with her body, grappling with the Jungian concept of shadow and personal mythology. Marya’s commitment to her art journal and research into the history of anorexia illuminated her path of recovery as she examined her sexuality, cultural reintegration, familial inheritance, work aspirations and relationships. In her explorations she came to understand how a woman’s relationship to food connects to other women across time.
The cover illustration and section headings are pages from the author’s art journals. As she listened to the messages from her body, her psyche translated them into art images. They, in turn, paved the way for this book.
