Autoimmune Disease and The Gut Microbiome

Author: Nicole Carroll
ISBN: 979-8-89480-723-2

Don’t take years to figure it all out yourself!  This book offers knowledge gained by others who have found reversal for their autoimmune disease and this will help you do the same.

This book is for you.  If you are currently struggling with an autoimmune disease, waiting for a diagnosis, think you may have an autoimmune disease, or caring for someone who has one.

Learn how the gut microbiome plays a big part in disease and put the puzzle pieces together as you see trends in your own life now make sense.  You will specifically learn how to address digestive distress, brain fog, rashes, fatigue and daily pain that challenges sufferers with autoimmune diseases every day.

Questions and topics answered in this book include;
Should I suppress or boost my immune system?
Can I take medication and still find healing through nutrition and other therapies?
Should all autoimmune diseases be treated the same?
What choices for care are available to me with my disease?
What are the stages of Autoimmune disease?
Is living with this disease for the rest of my life?

Doctors may not be providing valuable information or may only offer medications.  Discover the hope for healing. Learn all your options. Make the best decisions for your health and realize that you are not alone in this journey.
