Author: Marnesia Mosby
ISBN: 979-8-88862-456-2

The most valuable relationship we will ever have in life is a relationship with ourselves. It is a must that you love yourself. What I’ve grown to realize is that genuinely loving ourselves is not something that just happens by default. Of course, you may naturally have strong care for yourself. But when it comes down to actually being in love with yourself, this is something that we have to pursue and prioritize. Loving ourselves is what also sets the tone for our ability to properly care for and love those around us.
My hope for this book is that it gives others permission to dig within themselves and face those things that have caused them to disregard and mishandle themselves. I want you to be able to look that shame, disappointment, self-hatred, self-sabotage, loneliness, heartache, depression, fear, doubt, anger, those insecurities, and lack of self-love right in the face and let those things know that they have officially been evicted.
