Walking in the True Light And into your divine purpose

Author: Lori Powers
ISBN: 979-8-88796-921-3

We are all on our journey through life where we search for truth, God, and purpose. God has a divine purpose for all people but sadly, many people go to the grave without fulfilling their purpose or more importantly, knowing God or Jesus. Some people believe God was in control so everything happened as it should have. The truth is, God is good and knows all things and ultimately is in charge, but He gave mankind dominion on earth to be a good steward of His creation. He also gave us the free will to choose to love, obey and follow Him or rebel and go our own way. Therefore, by our own choices we bring many negative results for ourselves, our household, cities, states, and nations. Moreover, we cannot blame God for the consequences that follows the bad choices of mankind, which often gave Satan the legal access to hinder and cause problems. However, God wants you to seek to know Him and His ways so you can gain wisdom to know and fulfill His divine purpose that He intended for your life. You may be saying, “I don’t want religion.” Jesus is not a religion or a denomination. God sent Jesus into the world as the way to reconcile people back to a right relationship with the True Lord God Almighty. As you read this book you will see how and why. You will learn a spiritual foundation that is biblical so you can walk in the True Light rather than the counterfeit, or be hindered from Gods plan for your life.

God spoke to my heart (spirit) and told me to write this book and gave me the chapter topics He wanted. I have written from my perspective as a Non-denominational Full Gospel Bible believer, disciple of Christ, led by the Holy Spirit. This book is like having several small discipleship books in one large book that covers most life topics on your spiritual journey. You will gain greater spiritual understanding, wisdom, knowledge and freedom in all the many areas of life so you can get on the right path God has for you. Many times, the path we walk is rough with obstacles, tests, trials, oppositions, misunderstandings, delusion and deception.. Our attitude, focus, and choices during these times can work for us, or against us. If we are open to reading the Bible and listening to the wisdom of others who have experienced much, it can be like having a navigation map in front of us that may help us on the journey to have fewer mistakes and greater victories.
Thank you for reading!
