POST STROKE GOLF SUCCESS Illustrated Preparation Guide with Exercises Stretches Tips

Author: Leon Edward
ISBN: 978-1-64570-324-2

Successfully golfing after a stroke for fun and fitness is a real possibility with physical, mental and emotional benefits.
Written not only for golfers with a desire to ‘enjoy living life again’ returning to golf and social interaction , but for stroke survivor golf newbies possibly with effects as hemiparesis, drop foot as the author, Leon Edward has lived with successfully, or even worse effects
There is enough detail for professionals to reference in physical rehabilitation personalized exercise programs for their patients or clients. Golf professionals, amateurs, friends know someone that misses the golfing experience or is missed.
Detailed are the demands of golf on the body keeping in mind stroke and the resulting impact on movement, coordination issues and how stroke changes your golf game.
Preparing for golfing physically starts with the basics, safety, core strength, walking (or mobility), balance with physical therapy exercises to enhance voluntary movement, increase range of motion, strengthen weakened muscles, improve fine motor skills and grasp (grip), increase postural stability and standing balance. Also adaptive golf equipment, wheelchair golf techniques, and golf mindset.
For Leon, the past 35 years left a lingering desire: the need to give something back, a way to provide something meaningful for people who will face a similar disruption of their lives possibly the loss of this ‘game’.
