Trapped by Political Desire: The Treatise

Author: Matt Erickson
ISBN: 978-1-64999-621-3

After decades of failing to reach his fellow conservatives, it was time for Will Hartline to try something radical enough to get noticed.
So, he decided to advance a plan that appeared highly favorable to his political adversaries—the men and women who supported Big Government.
His Political Year Strategy was brilliantly simple—it merely called for Congress to change Election Day to February 29th.
Once the election date changed, then “Year’ (as it related to elections and elected federal terms) could become the interval of time until the designated day used for elections again showed up on the calendar.
Suddenly, it would appear that Presidents could serve four “Political Years”—16 calendar years—while Representatives could serve two political years (8 calendar years) and Senators six political years (24 calendar years).
But, as his political adversaries sought implement his strategy—so they could extend their political terms four-fold—they wouldn’t notice that were simultaneously building Will the name recognition and political platform he had never been able to build himself.
And, once he found his political voice, he would spring his trap, that he had baited with the promise of extended political terms.
In other words, Will’s Political Year Strategy would advance Big Government so far, it would ultimately expose to the bright light of day the underlying fallacy of 200 years of the Supreme Court reinterpretation.
Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Treatise and learn how to throw off two centuries of federal oppression, so we may finally restore our American Republic, Once and For All and Happily-Ever-After.
