Times are Square Deluxe Edition

Author: Jason F Coulter
ISBN: 979-8-88757-994-8

Truly a work of art and a written masterpiece all in one. This is the deluxe version of “Times are Square” redefined to set the record straight, and encourage the best planned future for its readers! This book is absolutely astounding and is loaded with conspiracies’ (never spoken of until now)!! New creative thought and ideologies on personal advancements within today’s stricken and changing (local, state, national, and global) economies. Reading this book will certainly change your perspective, enlighten you, and challenge you regarding success and the key members in accessing big money today.
The author comes from a rich background of diversity, as he provides much detail on possible issues and solutions involving the latest movement amongst the masses; The Great Resignation. The information in this book surpasses one particular topic but eludes to secrets and promising knowledge that could be a hot topic amongst college campuses, aspiring professionals, and those who are seasoned in their fields for decades to come.
The author is a native of Flint, MI and a survivor (thus far) of the Flint Water Crisis. Jason still resides in Flint and has high aspirations of making an ongoing project with his current works. Show this author some love; he certainly deserves it!

