Metatalta / Daggered Wings

Author: David E. Kinney
ISBN: 978-1-68489-374-4

A hundred years ago, Earth, on the verge of self-destruction, was saved, incorporated into a galactic empire by the benevolent Jakarien. Within a relatively short time, hunger and disease became historical footnotes. The population, which had been growing beyond available resources, was brought under control, and humanity, now part of a system-wide migration, lived longer healthier lives. All was well, or so the Imperium’s Politium professed, a belief reinforced through early indoctrination. And using the need for stability and the perception of prosperity as justification, they pursued a policy of aggressive expansion – which, in turn, required warriors.

Sam Becket, raised by a Jakarien prince, wanted to fly, to become a Star Corps Hunter, one sworn to defend the Imperium. But Sam has a secret, the implication of which he cannot begin to comprehend. Though viewed as a threat by the Mother Imperium, he is this galaxy’s best hope in the face of a terrible darkness few realize even exist.
