Qualcosa nell'acqua (L'anello d'oro, #2)

Author: Fabio Romolo
ISBN: 978-1-63752-767-2

“Something in the water” (Qualcosa nell’acqua): Spin-off and ideal sequel of “How the Aliens occupied the State” (Come gli Alieni Occuparono lo Stato) with new characters and different setting, the book can be understood even without having previously read the first one of the series

Southern U.S.A, the Fifties: Mr. Phillips is a fugitive who wants to leave his past behind without realizing that he already forgot it. Suffering from strange amnesia, after years spent with struggles, frauds and robberies, he believes he found safety beyond the big river, but soon notices the he has worse enemies to worry about: some would like to just fool him, others exploit him but somebody wants him dead. Inevitably he will have to face his past which emerges with its burden of disturbing omens.

“Something in the water”: A mysterious thriller, second novel of the “Golden Ring” (Anello d’oro) series after “How the Aliens occupied the State” © 2021.

Fabio Romolo is also author of the Detective Emmett Kowalski series: “The Big Dream – A True Story” (“Il Grande Sogno – Una Storia Vera“; © 2020), “Double Deceit” (“Duplice Inganno”; © 2021) and “The Last Mirage” (“L’Ultimo Miraggio”; © 2022).
