Redicovering Kingdom Culture

Author: Obvious Simango
ISBN: 978-1-63649-351-0

Have you ever asked yourself the question: ‘Why do I do what I do? Or, ‘What is the foundation
upon which my behavior is based?’ and ‘Why are things the way they are in my life and in my
country?’. Maybe you also ask yourself the question, ‘What regulates my behavior that I am so
passionate about certain things, even though they may be the opposite of what I really want to do?’
‘Why do I reject some things and accept others?’ The answer is that culture is at the centre of life.
In this book you will get to know why culture is so important in your life, and what makes it
powerful. The battle for the earth is the battle of cultures and the culture that you abide by is the
one upon which your behavior, attitude, values are based. You will learn how culture is such an
important aspect of life that everyone needs to understand.
In the Rediscovering kingdom culture you will
• Understand what kingdom culture is and what are its fundamentals;
• Understand why God created us as human;
• Understand what the kingdom of God is, and the two critical concepts to dominion:
LORDSHIP, and access in the kingdom of God.
• Understand the significance and importance of culture to your life and what makes it so
effective in regulating human behavior.
Understanding kingdom culture will help you walk effectively in doing the most important
function of who you are: dominion and occupying till He comes. It will give you a reason for living
and equip you to be more purposeful in achieving your destiny.
