How To Successfully Publish Your Book

Author: Delroy Constantine-Simms
ISBN: 978-1-945178-49-8

Make those writing dreams a reality with this comprehensive guide of publishing secrets, which will show you how to go from staring at an empty page, to becoming a published author. Sound familiar? In all honesty, it’s never been easier or cheaper to get your book published.

Equally, there are numerous book publishing gurus selling the idea, that writers can become successful authorpreneurs, if they follow their respective tips, usually at a hefty price. This book is different, because it does not profess to reveal previously hidden book marketing secrets or make outlandish declarations of guaranteed success, if you follow the advice in this book.

Make those writing dreams a reality with this comprehensive guide of publishing secrets, will show you how to go from staring at an empty page, to becoming a published author. Sound familiar? In all honesty, it’s never been easier or cheaper to get your book published, but there are still lessons to be learned, regardless of your writing or publishing experience.

Whether your book is self-help guide or an academic thesis, a collection of poems you want to share with friends, or your epic novel that could possibly earn you a fortune, this book will provide you with the practical advice and technical information you need to turn your manuscript into a finished book. It also provides valuable guidance to ensure you have a clear understanding of your goals.

For example: What do you want to achieve from publishing your own book? How much money can you afford to invest? Who will buy the book? Do I need I need an agent? Once you have made an informed decision to publish your own book, you’ll be given some excellent tips on how to submit your manuscript to traditional publisher or self-publishing, including how to market, distribute and sell your book successfully.
