My walk through faith: in the name of Jesus

Author: Wilbert Dela Cruz
ISBN: 978-1-63649-860-7

The Bible said in Roman 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Do you know what I heard? I heard God’s Word come alive from the inside of me, like a seed which I have now sown, as the foundational journey of this book. Hebrews 11:1 assessed it this way, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” and so, by faith, I closed my eyes, meditated at His Word, and opened my heart instead. By doing so, my new found faith, led me to the book of Genesis, where God Himself planted the very first seed, “Let there be light, God said” and there was light and it was the greatest light that I have ever seen, it was amazing, that all I could think about was… love. Faith provided me with a perspective to see; everything is all about love. I am asking you to think of this book as an image of a heart-mine-that has been broken into a thousand little pieces, which this journey has now put back together to tell the story of my walk-through faith. This is a story of a raindrop and the journey he found inside an empty glass.

I, on the other hand, am simply a small grain of seed from the innumerable sand of the sea, I may even be the least of every grain, but even still, I am like the sea from how God sees me. I am no one special, not by myself but I have His Holy Spirit dwelling inside me and so, I have now come to realize, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is a journey of the heart, in the renewing of minds. This book is not meant to be taken as a source for learning the scriptures, for I believe, there can only be one true source to study the scriptures and this book is not it, The Bible is…This book only holds my journey towards it and it should only be taken as such.
