Secrets of the Black belt Mindset

Author: Wil Dieck
ISBN: 978-1-63315-576-3

Fact: Brain scientists have found that over half of our thoughts throughout each day are identical to the ones we thought yesterday. The real problem is that these are mostly self-defeating thoughts like, I’m not good enough, or I don’t deserve that. Thoughts that, even though you know they aren’t true, keep coming up over and over again—and may be holding you back from becoming all you can be.

Your subconscious is running on autopilot. And to change it you’ll have to interrupt it or you’ll keep getting the same results you’ve gotten in the past. When you replace these limiting thoughts with new, more empowering thoughts you can have different (better) results.

That’s what Secrets of the Black Belt Mindset is all about: learning the simple habits martial artists use to harness the power of your subconscious mind.

Author Wil Dieck is a speaker, researcher, college professor and master martial arts instructor. He studies and teaches people from all walks of life how to use simple mental hacks and techniques to develop high performance habits.

These simple habits are the most effective way to change the way you think, which changes your outcome, which can change your life and, ultimately, your destiny.
